Our Sector
Health & Fitness is continuing to be a booming business sector, and the demand for healthy living has never been higher. Staying fit is no longer just a pastime for gym bunnies and running fanatics, it’s increasingly becoming an important part of every adult’s lives as we continue to become more educated about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
People of all ages are investing more and more time and money into looking and feeling great, and are looking for the most effective ways to achieve their goals.
There has been a significant shift in the UK Health & Fitness Market in recent years away from gym membership and other traditional models towards micro-boutiques, studios and fitness classes.
Consumers are increasingly interested in higher quality equipment, facilities and service.
What makes us different?
People are leading ever more busy lives, and are demanding better value from workouts that show real results. They want something that has been proven to work. This is what makes Bootcamp Pilates so unique: clients feel the benefits of practicing our method immediately.
More than that, they find that fitness doesn’t have to be a chore, it can be fun and entertaining too! Big gym environments are not for everyone, and can fail to truly engage people, often leading to loss of motivation and confidence in their own ability. Our revolutionary model is dynamic and varied, and our clients are inspired by the results they see. It’s accessible and achievable for everyone, no matter their age, ability or starting fitness level. It’s not long before they are hooked on our secret recipe!

Bootcamp Pilates is not just another flashy fad that grabs the consumer’s attention for as long as it takes for the next one to arrive. It’s a tried and tested formula that goes from strength to strength, pulling in ever more customers year-on-year since its creation.
When our founder, Dominique Day, returned to the UK after seeing this method first used in California, she found that there was nothing here that even compared to this programme.
Put simply, no-one else does what we do, or as well as we do it.